Some Things Never Change

(Working Title)

I am currently working on a novel that is a tale of an old man who, whilst his mind imagines stories of pirate adventures, leaves the security of a self enforced isolation to go on an adventure of his own.

One that will reconnect him with society in a way he hadn’t imagined.

I don’t know quite where this story emerged from but since starting the free-writing process, after joining an online writing support group (I think they would be happy with me calling it such), I just started writing.

Along the way I have discovered the amazing way that the imagination links things together, often without realising it is going on. Maybe it is coincidence but I don’t think it is.

For example; one character in the pirate story is given a button, on which there is a family crest. This will be necessary later in the story to identify something that the pirate is looking for. When reading back through earlier chapters I discovered that I had written that the main character has a button missing from one of his shirts. These two elements of the story are linked in a way I certainly hadn’t imagined at the time I wrote the first part.

And there are other examples. But you’ll have to wait until the book comes out to find out what they are.